Today I am 45

Today I am 45

Today I am 45.

Today I have scars with stories and wrinkles earned from smiling.

Today I have more worries but also more strength and wisdom to take them on. I have also learned that God regularly gives us more than we can handle - but also blesses us with friends who make the bad times bearable and feed the soul.

Today I understand it’s not all about me - but it’s not all about you either. Even the most compassionate among us needs a respite now and again.

Today I’ve learned “Let’s get together sometime” never happens unless at least one of us is looking at a calendar.

Today I look back and see illness, death, bad luck and difficulty. But then I face forward and leave it behind — because dwelling means playing a victim when I would rather audition for the hero.

Today I’ve learned our greatest untapped power is listening. We all have our hurts. This can lead to anger and divisiveness. Everyone looks at life through a different lens. Please help me understand how things look through your yours.

Today I hold firm that water chestnuts and tuna fish are yucky. I’m experienced enough to have informed opinion and - on this matter - will never be swayed.

Today I’ve accomplished things I never thought possible through hard work and determinate optimism. I’m proud of what I’ve done so far, but I’m still restless.

Today I declare I’m officially too old to be a bridesmaid. I hung up my dresses years ago. But, I am a very fine guest. If a dance floor beckons, I will heed the call.

Today I still haven’t learned to ride a bike. But I also haven’t yet dipped my toes in the Java Sea. As today is both the oldest and the youngest I will ever be, I better get to it.

Today I get to give unsolicited advice. Be attentive to dreamers, especially when they are young. Fan every flicker of hope. Thank your partner and parents at every opportunity because they put up with a whole lot of your crap. Judiciously save for retirement, even if it means sacrificing a few GrubHub meals a month. Call the florist and ask what’s fresh before ordering. Be unrelentingly curious and reflexively kind. Lift your head up from your phone and put down the camera. The only exception to this is: Take at least one group picture at every family gathering. Finally, having an attitude of gratitude may not add years to your life, but it will make living them joyful.

Today I am 45. Onwards and upwards!

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