I Just Paid $35.08 for a Book Trailer. BOOM!

I Just Paid $35.08 for a Book Trailer. BOOM!

So I see a lot of folks doing these book trailers. I figured I needed one too.

Rather than actually learn how to do it, I instead went to the fine folks at Fiverr, found a designer, in under 10 minutes, on a whole other continent, and ordered his “Premium” package.

Now, he hasn’t read the book and doesn’t really know what it’s about. But: Whatever!

$35.08 later, I have a trailer oozing with drama and blazing with sparkles. It’s the kind of video that would make Steven Spielberg sit up and take notice. I only wish I budgeted an extra $7 to get a Morgan Freeman sound-alike to do a voice over.

Now brace yourself and get ready to watch the incandescently awesome trailer for Some Assembly Required:


Today I am 45

Today I am 45

Some Assembly Required is Available for Pre-Order!

Some Assembly Required is Available for Pre-Order!