Some Assembly Required is Available for Pre-Order!

Some Assembly Required is Available for Pre-Order!

Today a dream is realized: My book is available for pre-order!

Here's the link:

My goal was to write the book I wish I had when my husband needed an organ transplant. I wanted useful information, a dose of hope, and some much-needed belly laughs. Some Assembly Required delivers just that. I hope you think so too.

Today I am grateful to the family and friends who were in the trenches with us during the bad times, and those who kept saying “You should really write a book” during the better times.

To our supporters and encouragers... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And to Jim's donor... Our gratitude is eternal.

I Just Paid $35.08 for a Book Trailer. BOOM!

I Just Paid $35.08 for a Book Trailer. BOOM!

So This Crazy Thing Happened: I Got Cancer!

So This Crazy Thing Happened: I Got Cancer!